It’s summer in Philly, and it is HOT! So, like every good Philadelphian, I headed down the shore last weekend. I ventured out to Corson’s Inlet State Park, just south of Ocean City. This park is a hub for jet skiing, boating, fishing, and just relaxing by the water.
The first thing I spotted when I arrived was a small pond next to the parking lot. Corson’s Inlet is also a wildlife sanctuary, and many different species of birds occupy the park. I snapped a few shots before heading off on my hike.
On my way to the beach I passed a large patch of dirt crawling with tiny crabs! I used my 70-300 mm lense to capture close up shots of a couple of them. One was waving its large claw around, perhaps looking for a date? The other was hiding in the dirt. Trying to avoid a date? We may never know.
Just before you reach the shore, there is a path through 6′ tall grass. I used this opportunity to experiment with framing my shots, and taking advantage of the contrast between the green grass, blue sky, and light sand.
You aren’t technically allowed to swim at Corson’s Inlet state park, and the beach isn’t easily accessible from the road. Farther north, the beach was crowded with swimmers and sunbathers, but the beach farther south towards the inlet was free and clear! Except, of course, for the seagulls.
Atlantic City looms in the distance, over 20 miles to the north.
The beach is also a great place to look for interesting textures and surfaces to photograph. These broken seashells against the sand made good subjects for texture shots.
And finally, always look to the sky! There’s always something flying around to take a picture of.
I hope you enjoyed these beach photos. I’ll be in Wisconsin on vacation this week, which means lots and lots of pictures! Maybe next week the shore of Lake Michigan will make an appearance on the blog.